Sunday, October 21, 2007

movies with mommy

Joy is currently on her fourth day of her second treatment of chemotherapy. She will finish Tuesday morning-Hooray!

This weekend brought a few pleasant events. She got to take a walk in her 'hazmat' suit, complete with gloves and mask. She also began the first weekly, 'movie with mommy' night on saturday. All three of her oldest children came to her room and they watched The Incredibles together.

Overall, she was feeling better today. We hope it keeps going well!


L.and.R said...

Hi Joyous...just checking in to say hi.

Love you,


Anonymous said...

Hej Joy,

Just wanted to tell you I was thinking of you today. Hope you enjoyed the movie with the kids. Happy last day of chemo afton. :-)



Tyler Christiansen said...

Joy and Kenneth,

We love you guys and pray/think of you often. I am also an O+ bloodtype and have donated many times. I am sure that a brother/sister would have a better chance of matching but I am very willing to do the testing and see if I can help.


Tyler C and the Family

boyscoutmom said...

Joy--I had Olivia and Joshua at my house yesterday. They were so cute and well-behaved--said their pleases and thank yous! Joshua played video games ALL day with my 4 year old, Jacob. They ate a good lunch and had lots of snacks. Olivia enjoyed my trampoline. We invited a neighbor girl over to keep her company since my house is full of boys and boy stuff. They hit it off and had a great time. They also had a snowball fight in their bare feet which was funny to watch. Crazy time of year for weather. It was fun to have the kids and I hope to have them over again while they are off track. Keep fighting the good fight. We are all pulling for you! Love, Karen Cox