Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Inconclusive News

Joy received the results of her Cytogenetics test yesterday and the results were inconclusive. Basically, the cells that were taken for the test were not cancerous (mutated) and so no information could be received from them.

The GOOD NEWS is: ALL of Joy's white blood cells have been destroyed. (This is a very, very good thing). This means that most of the cancerous cells have been eradicated.

She still is having trouble with the blood clot in her arm and is still on blood thinning medication.

We love you JOY!


Tyler Christiansen said...

Wow that is wonderful news. We are so blessed to know the you guys. We continue to pray for Joy and the family. I was driving by the house on Thursday about 9:30pm and felt prompted to stop by....but I didn't. I just wanted you to know that we love ya. Give Joy a bid squeze for me.


Tyler, Lisa and the Family.

Dana said...

Heelllllooooo Woman!!!!! You are amazingly strong and it's good to see your wonderful smile in your pictures on the blog. What an amazing family you have. I'm so glad you got to see your kids. Hang in there - Janey, Karen, Amy, Andrea.....everybody have all talked and we're all pulling for you and for a quick recovery. I'm coming down there in December so you better be feeling good so I can see you! Love, Dana Stephens