Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Peach Fuzz

Both Joy's hair and blood are currently growing. Her blood cells are increasing so much that she should feel good for the holidays. She is also excited because her bone marrow transplant has officially been scheduled. January 10! Happily, the donor's donoting actual bone marrow instead of just stem cells. She'll be entering the hospital January 1 and will stay until well after the operation.

But what is REALLY making Joy excited is that she and Ken have just completely finished ALL of their Christmas shopping and some kind neighbors have been doing all of the gift wrapping!--Jealous anyone?


Anonymous said...

Wow, what wonderful christmas news for your family. Feeling good, scheduled date for transplant and Christmas shopping complete. WAY TO GO!! As always I am thinking and praying for your family. Keep the faith and know you are loved and respected by many !! I know my brother and his family thinks the WORLD of you guys. Merry Christmas

Leah said...

We wish for you and your family a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS. What terrific news about the donor, we are so happy! We will be thinking about you as you go back to the hospital on the 1st. You are always in our prayers!