Sunday, October 26, 2008

Patience & The Magic Kingdom

The "wait and see" period progresses again as Joy waits to see how the Rutuxin will affect the sustainability of her red blood cells. She's finished her treatment with the drug and should know the results within a few weeks. Meanwhile, Joy continues to be a trooper as she gets her regular tranfusions and IVs and takes her many pills. In fact, she had a bit of a scare last week when the pharmacist gave her a double dose of one of her medications. This caused her kidneys to have problems and resulted in her being taken off other medications. Hopefully, being off the other medications will have no consequences. So far, so good!

At the same time, Joy, Ken, and the three oldests kids are thrilled that the doctors have cleared her to go to Disneyland next month with some family friends for a fun family vacation. Cheers!