Monday, January 28, 2008

A Molehill That Is A Mountain

On Saturday, Joy was given Nupigen, a drug that aids in the production of new blood cells. Today, doctors found a few new white blood cells and Neutrophils, both signs that the transplant is working. As Ken put it, "tiny progress shows the process of the transplant has started." :)

On another front, Joy got to eat her first non-intravenous meal in weeks since the ulcers in her esophagus are finally healing--jello and soup. Mmmm . . .?

Thursday, January 24, 2008

She'll be Singing in the Shower Soon!

Ken's mind-reading days are over--Joy's voice has come back! Even though she still can't swallow yet, she's had a few things to sing about. She's been feeling much better the last few days since the doctors found a more effective pain medication for her--Hoorah! She 's had two play dates this week with the toodling twins who are finally healthy again (fun for babies and mom!)--Hoorah! Hoorah!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

"Guten tag"

Joy's recovering slowly. She has ulcers in her mouth and esophagus, a delayed effect of radiation, that make eating and talking painful--not so fun. However, Ken's having fun getting to say whatever he thinks she's thinking!

Although they won't know the success of the transplant for a few weeks, Joy and Ken did get a hint that the donor might be from Germany. Joy's paternal Grandmother emigrated from Germany as a child. Kinda cool! So, "auf wiedersehen" for now!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Happy Birthday to Joy!

Yesterday, amidst an array of birthday cakes, tarts, italian food and really yummy cookies, Joy celebrated her new birthday. The bone marrow arrived in the afternoon and after some preparation, Joy began the transplant. Contrary to popular belief, this did not entail a messy surgery in an operating room. Rather, it was just Joy and some IV's (and her cake of course.) At one point during the transplant, Joy became flushed, then white, and then felt her airways becoming restricted. Thanks to a very helpful nurse who realized she was suffering from an allergic reaction, she received some Benadryl. (The doctors said this was normal because she was receiving bone marrow of a different blood type (A) than her old blood type (O). She was fine for the rest of the day, just really tired. (But not too tired to enjoy 'The Germans" episode of Faulty Towers.)

The doctors will know within about two weeks how well Joy's body has received the transplant. Until then, it is vital that she be kept away from any and all germs.

Ken and Joy both feel grateful for all of the people who fasted on Joy's behalf on Sunday.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Happy Spirits

After 5 days of radiation, Joy is STILL in good spirits and (miraculously) remains her cheerful self. :)

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Back in the Saddle Again . . .

Joy started off the new year by preparing for her new self. She is currently in her third of six days of TBI (total body irradiation treatment). This entails her being treated on each side for about a 1/2 hour. Her doctors place a lead shield over her lungs to protect them while the rest of her body is being treated. She also receives special medication for her skin because the radiation is so hard on it. However, in true Joy fashion, her skin still looks beautiful!

After the six days of radiation, she will receive three days of intensive chemotherapy that should kill off all of the rest of her bone marrow so that she will be ready for her transplant. She is feeling pretty good, was able to watch an episode of "Lost" and even felt well enough to complain about the hospital food. Yay for Joy!

Joy's family would like to invite any family members and friends who are willing to fast on her behalf this Sunday. For those unfamiliar with fasting, this entails abstaining from food and water for two meals and accompanying this sacrifice with prayers on her behalf. Ken and Joy are both so grateful for all of the prayers people have said for Joy!

Above is a picture of Joy's time at home for Christmas. Enjoy!